Since 1972…
Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia was founded in Wolfville in March of 1972 by Evelyn Garbary, Sara Lee Lewis and Tom Miller. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they shared a commitment to introducing rural youngsters and their families to the excitement of the performing arts and the magic of literature. A pilot project grant from the Government of Canada’s Local Initiatives Program, and Acadia University’s generous provision of rehearsal facilities paved the way for the company’s first artistic endeavour. On May 3, 1972 marked the premiere performance of The Nose at Aldershot School in Kings County, NS. Directed by Evelyn, designed by Tom, and adapted from Gogol’s short story by Elizabeth Jones, the production featured the innovative blend of puppets, movement, music and storytelling that was to become Mermaid’s trademark. The company’s inaugural touring members included Rob Black, Joanna Hancock, Owen O’Donavan, Susan O'Donovan, Frederick William Oliver, Barb Parker, Ken Strong, and Marthanne Williamson. These selected archival production images are intended to provide a glimpse into four decades of achievement.